Friday, June 11, 2010


Looking forward to the reunion on Saturday, July 10, at the Vinemont Boy Scout Hut. The meat will be provided at the noon meal, but we ask the families to bring sides, drinks, and desserts to share. Each family is being asked to bring an index card with a "Family Memory" to share with the group. Then I plan to post these memories on this blog and perhaps on with the Family Tree. We are aware that Aunt Peg will not be able to join us this year. She is the last living child of George and Elon Wilkins - and we wish she could be with us!! Please keep her and her children particularly in your prayers.

Also remember Debbie and Danny Brown in your prayers, her leukemia has returned. Sister Stephanie has organized a bone marrow drive for Saturday, June 19, at the Cullman Church of Christ. Unfortunately, Rex has been ruled out as a possible donor.

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